Intermediate Unity Developer

Ready to make some of the most fun content on the planet? We need a developer who is competent in general systems design, and game mechanic creation. You'll be working with a small team of other artists and developers to create, upgrade, and maintain the internal systems of the Adventure Portal platform. Pretty straight-forward stuff. We're not looking for a Rockstar dev. A polka-star will do just fine.

Fully Remote
Flexible Work Schedule
Competitive Salary


  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Game Development, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in game development using Unity3D engine (C#).
  • Strong understanding of object-oriented programming.
  • Solid knowledge of Unity UI, Unity Networking, and Shader Programming.
  • Familiarity with graphics optimization techniques for real-time performance.
  • Understanding of 3D modeling, texturing, and animation.
  • Experience with source control systems like Git.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment.

What you’ll do

  • Design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code in Unity3D (C#).
  • Implement game functionality as per communicated design.
  • Work closely with artists, designers, and educational experts to ensure the successful implementation of game specifications.
  • Identify technical constraints and potential performance challenges, devising solutions accordingly.
  • Assist in creating tools and plugins to streamline the VR development process.
  • Debugging and optimizing to ensure smooth performance on all platforms.

What we offer

Adventure Portal is revolutionizing educational technology through immersive VR experiences. As part of our team, you’ll contribute to this exciting frontier while growing and learning in an innovative and supportive environment.

  • Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.
  • Opportunity to work on cutting-edge VR technology.
  • A remote, flexible work culture. (Work where you want, when you want. Unless we have a meeting).
  • The chance to significantly impact the future of education and inspire learners.
  • Professional development opportunities to broaden your skills and advance your career.

Perks & Benefits

Flexible Work Hours

At libero dolores hic sint rerum qui deserunt praesentium qui corrupti alias nam exercitationem quia et facere sapiente? Aut dignissimos sint 33 veritatis similique est debitis temporibus nam quia sunt in sunt nemo.

Health and Wellness

Qui internos natus et omnis omnis eum omnis earum et illo rerum et commodi dolorum ut quis placeat. Vel magni rerum aut ipsum iure non delectus quia hic inventore autem sed libero quasi. Sed minima delectus est officiis enim non fugiat debitis est dicta beatae ea aspernatur temporibus non expedita quidem est impedit quaerat.

Professional Development

Velit modi ut officia voluptatem quo voluptatem vitae ut laudantium perferendis in assumenda consequatur et commodi veniam. In placeat necessitatibus ut sapiente facilis sit nihil minus non similique illum sed quis esse et soluta animi non magni accusantium. Ut laudantium accusamus qui Quis numquam qui rerum beatae est rerum impedit qui distinctio harum est unde numquam.

401(k) Retirement Plan

Ea repellat animi nam magnam vero id internos corporis. In dolorum quod sit molestias voluptas quo repudiandae nobis sit nobis aliquid ut sunt provident ab dolores consequatur in enim possimus.

Tuition Reimbursement

A ducimus accusamus cum corrupti quidem a porro ullam! Qui nihil quas ad delectus fugit sit distinctio eligendi cum dolores perferendis. Sit maxime galisum est quasi quidem in dolorem galisum aut eaque similique ab libero nemo.

Generous Paid Time Off

Est enim quos aut quibusdam provident est repellendus consequatur? 33 quae aliquid et voluptatibus praesentium sit debitis quia nam deleniti galisum et quas molestiae eum facilis ducimus aut sint distinctio. Aut quia quaerat qui quia voluptatem et optio quibusdam cum numquam corporis et tempore fugiat.

Comprehensive Health Insurance

Qui nostrum temporibus aut architecto aperiam quo repellat eveniet nam enim quis et pariatur facere. Et consequatur repellendus et accusamus dignissimos ut cupiditate laudantium et rerum ratione et galisum doloremque. Eum quas quae hic voluptatum iste et reiciendis doloremque. Non natus consequatur ad sapiente quia vel eaque perferendis.

Job application

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Open positions

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Dolorem assumenda et autem quam vel eveniet vitae qui placeat
necessitatibus eos tempore nulla autem est omnis omnis.

Lead Game Artist
Art & Design
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Let's be real, we've got some solid talent in Unity development. But ‘solid’ isn't our end goal. We're looking for a Unity Developer who’s a step above the rest. Someone who lives and breathes code, and isn't just capable but really excels in crafting immersive and educational VR experiences. As part of our team, you'll be an essential cog in our development machine, working your magic on content and performance to deliver the best possible learning adventures. So, are you up for the challenge? Join us, and let's take this journey to the next level together.

On-Staff Teacher Advisor (Contract, Part Time)
Apply Now

We're a bunch of tech gurus and creative masterminds at Adventure Portal, but we need a teacher's wisdom to ensure our VR experiences actually educate. We're looking for a part-time Curriculum Advisors, people who' have worn out the chalk on the blackboard and can bring their in-the-classroom expertise to our innovative field. We need your educational insight to keep us on track, to make sure we're not just crafting cool adventures, but designing true learning experiences. Sound like your kind of challenge? Join us and help shape the future of education.
